Father Laster (Presiding Priest)
If I be lifted up above the earth, I'll draw all man unto me.
>> About Us
Father Laster

I was Born 1975 in Detroit Michigan where I witnessed some of the most enlightening life lessons. You can say that I was taught psychology by being somewhat a spectator in the game of life. What did I see that was so enlightening? I've seen the generation before me from whos womb I was birthed literally change social status. You may ask what in that lesson was so important? I'll let you know after this commercial break.

Do you have special gifts or talents? Have you been given special revelation or purpose? Do you have information concerning Divinity that you should share with only the right person? I may be that right person, and you may be the one I've been looking for. Even before the insemenation of the ovary from which I came, there was a conscieneness that I would be born to complete The Lords will. I will testiphy to that with my hand on the bible and a lie detecter attached to me, just as you would explaining the missing piece of the puzzel that has become you.

​Ok back to the story. 
​If you have ever risen up the monetary ladder even a small degree, you too have realized that it automaticly causes a change in your normal thought process. I am saying that even your outlook on life changes​​​. To explain it from a phychological level may be a little too deep for all viewers to understand, so for now, I'll quote it from the Bible hidden in my heart and we'll talk about it when we meet in person.  The scripture reads: A feast is made for laughter and wine maketh marry, but "money answereth all things". Google it in your spare time.

​​From the age 10 I was raised in Kaiserslutern Germany. At the age of 18 I enlisted in the United States Air Force. I was stationed at Langley​​ AFB Va, where I worked directly for NATO in the NATO subregistry. After leaving the Air Force I began to take more steps toward completing HIS mission for me. After sitting under the tootling of many churches and denominations for a number of years, The Lord revealed to me that it was time.  I founded and incorporated "THE ACCO", commonly refered to as The American Cathoilc Church Organization. Although this is a time of rejoycing, in a way I'm sad. Why? because I know that we have come to the end of the purpose of the vision before my birth. Ok, you're probably saying "thats good right?" In a way it is, but in a way it's not, you see, during my journey here, I have born 3 of the most important reasons why I wish that Heaven would be postponed. Breyanna, Jaimyah and Jaylynn, I pray for this heaven. How could I justify being one with the Father in heaven, ruler of all I survey and king in the most beautiful place ever created after leaving my very own children in a lesser place. I'll lift you up in prayer before the Father, and likewise let your prayers to the Father (The way you know him) be also pure on my behalf. What if he created the divisions in the languages and religions so that HE be glorified by Each and Every one of them synphonicly? And dosen't a synphony give glory to the maker and gratify all that hear? Well give "The ALMIGHTY" HIS props. AMEN

Please forgive for not knowing how to use spell check, hopefully you got the jist.

